Customer Information
Steps to take after Water Damage:
Locate source of water damage and stop it as soon as possible in order to prevent any further water damage
Turn off and remove all electrical appliances surrounding the damaged areas
Remove any furniture or personal belongings from damaged areas to quicken the water removal and restoration process
Fire Recovery Tips:
Air out your home to reduce smoke odor
Clean any damaged Formica, chrome, porcelain, or aluminum fixtures to prevent any permanent damage
Discard any open food packages
Do not use electrical appliances until they are checked
Important Facts about Mold:
There are thousands of different types of Molds
Some molds can cause allergic reactions, or can even be toxic to humans
Approximately 10% of Americans are allergic to Cladosporiun; the dominant species of Mold
2% of all emergency hospital admissions with regards to asthma, are associated with mold spores present in outdoor air; and another 6% due to Basidiospores and Ascomycete spores
- Stachybotrys or commonly known as “Black Toxic Mold,” produces toxins which are dangerous to humans. This mold causes severe health risks and cannot be allowed to grow indoors!